Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quiz #1

1. Mise-en-scene is everything that is in the scene. This is going to include things like decor, lighting, costumes, the acting/performance, and more. Narrative films often will change the afformentioned elments in order to intensify or undermine the significance of something in a scene. 

2. A scene is a segment of film that typically takes place in one time and one place more than likely with the same characters. A shot is a single stream of unedited images.

3. Editing is the manipulation of images to change the sequence of images to give the viewer different shots, move into a new scene, clarify a particular scene, intentionally miscommunicate a scene, etc. Editing allows the filmmakers to shorten a piece into a succinct film, getting across a huge amount of information in less time.
3 Transitions
a. wipe
b. iris
c. fade

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