Thursday, January 29, 2009

Elevator Pitch

Idea #1-
A film about how to rewind time when you screw up, how you back-track on an issue and then re-do it. Specifically, falling down, dropping things, getting hit, saying the wrong thing, etc. and then re-doing it the way you had intended.

Idea #2-
A film about realizing the reasons why it takes one person longer to get up and go in the morning than another and another and another. A comparison on how people see it as they have plenty of time or they have no time at all.

Idea #3-
A child perceiving time as one little moment and concerned about their own little world versus an adult juggling their own time in addition to other people's, their time whizzing by.
While time is slowed for the people "on stage" the audience will perceive it as slower but are aware that their own time is running at the speed it always has.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you adopted your first idea into your time idea. The idea of investigating the idea of time via propaganda can be very funny. Do you plan to establish rhythm with quick cuts between the actors and the product? One of the things that makes infomercials so enticing is the way they use cuts and camera angles to make the product look as pleasing as possible.
