(dialogue is subtitled)
Host: Ladies and gentlemen! My name is Tom and tonight it’s time again for the Mail Order Special Event Hour! And helping me this evening is my ever elegant co-star, Mary!
{Co-star enters wearing shiny gown}
Tonight, we have a new amazing product to share with you all that’s going to completely change your life. Absolutely, positively change your life!
We’ve all been in that situation where immediately after you do something you wish you could take it all back. Well now you can!
How is this possible? With new Time in a Can you can render up to an hour of your life meaningless!
The patented ingredients in Time in a Can work to restore time that you thought you had given up. With Time in a Can, anyone can make decisions without thinking of the consequences!
So how does this amazing product work, may you ask? Well, it’s really quite simple!
First, open Time in a Can after you realize that you fucked up. Pour the patented liquid time reversal agent on the subject or area where you want time reversed up to one hour ago. Then watch it happen! Your poor decision making is now a thing of the past!
Let’s see how one of our most satisfied customers uses this product!
Bad Dinner
{Customer is sitting down with wife with a plate of questionable food on the table. He eats it and after vomitting (yarn) he pulls out Time in a Can to reverse the effects}
Bike Accident
{Customer is riding bike and then falls off bike. He groans and reaches for the Time in a Can in his pocket and then reverses time}
Bad Sex {Customer is shown in bed and then the shot moves to the right to show he’s next to a female. He then pulls out Time in a Can. Reversal of video not necessary here.}
Hit by a Car
{Customer walks out into the street and gets hit by a car. Driver pulls out Time in a Can and reverses accident}
Host: That guy really loves Time in a Can! And that’s not all it can do! You can stop your neighbor’s dog from attacking you!
{Cuts to clip of dog chasing after guy}
It can win you over that girl you blew it with!
{Guy: Hey, baby, was your dad a thief? Because you stole my heart. Girl smacks guy. Guy reverses time and tries again. He just dips and kisses her.}
And even give you back the hour you wasted watching Steve Martin!
{Girl looks dull. Flicker of TV screen but not actually showing TV. Takes out Time in a Can and rewinds the time.}
So what are you waiting for? You and I both know you need Time in a Can.
Order now and you’ll receive Time in a Can for only $19.95. But wait! If you order within the next 10 minutes we’ll double your order! That’s right! 2 for the price of 1! But that’s not all! We’ll also include our instructional video! And if that’s not enough, we’ll give you Time in a Spray Bottle as our gift to you! That’s 2 Time in a Cans, the instructional video tape, and Time in a Spray Bottle all for $19.95!
Side effects of Time in a Can include vomitting, rash, sneezing, itching, bloated antennae, swelling of the breasts, toothache, earache, backache, stomachache, heartache, runny nose, bloody nose, black eye, pink eye, bad hair days, common cold, mildly common cold, semi-common cold, possibly-maybe common cold, estrogen imbalance, flat tire, visits from your mother-in-law, and erectile dysfunction.
Does not work on pregnant women.

a. To sell you this product.
b. Really nothing. It's their interpretation of the world and they're convincing you that this will change your life. The obstacles lie in consumer opinion outside of the screen.
c. They will give you "real life" scenarios of how this product works and why it's so great.
d. Use material evidence and video evidence.
e. They're going to succeed. There is no failure in an infomercial except in the actual audience's point of view.
f. Everything except actually reversing time.
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